As a new user on Mastodon, we heard it is traditional to post an introductory post where we tell everyone a little about ourselves. So, without further ado, here is our introduction.
Full Name: Cartel Institute
Founded: 1347
https://cartel.instituteStatus: It's complicated. Pursuing money and power for 687 years.
About:The Cartel Institute is a pro-statism, pro-corporatism, and anti-capitalism organization designed to help our masters take power over the people. We are against capitalism because we don't want the small players to start businesses; we want them to work for us, either for corporations we own or state-owned enterprises we control. This channel provides advice and commentary about how we, the elite, can take over the world.
Political Views:Pro-Statism / Pro-Corporatism / Anti-Capitalism / Power by Any Means
Religion:We Worship the All Mighty Dollar, Euro, Yen, and Yuan
Likes:Politicians that can easily be influenced or bought, and voters who can easily be manipulated to do things against their own interest. As Stalin called them: "useful idiots." Monopolies, cartels, and state-run enterprises that we control are also favorites.
Dislikes:We dislike capitalism, since that allows people to start their own businesses. We can't force people to work for us for low wages if we allow capitalism to flourish. Capitalism promotes competition, and we don't like competition. That is why we promote corporatism instead or we encourage state-run enterprises that we can control.
Love/Romance:We are in love with power. The money is just a reflection of our power.
Tags:statism, corporatism, greed, politics, syndicate, cartel, money, power
We are proud to be part of the fediverse, and hope to make the world a better place (for us, that is).